NEW Book Alert!
Teach Like A Boss!
Teaching like a boss is not assuming a role that defies authority. It is not a means to denounce frustrations and emotional challenges experienced within the learning culture. But it is adopting the mindset of courage, perseverance, and a belief in one’s own ability to make a difference to overcome roadblocks. You, dear [teachers], are from God and have overcome them because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world (1 John 4:4, NIV). Knowing this, my friends, the time is now to embrace the power of I Am, return to your rightful place, and declare God’s ordained purpose and power over your life. Truth be told, you do have several superpowers! You are more than a conqueror. You are courageous, brilliant, confident, compassionate, creative, innovative, dependable, committed, indispensable, intellectual, resilient, a beacon of light that shines bright on the darkest of days and more. My purpose is to remind you that these superpowers reside within you. When these superpowers are activated you can bring resolution into your mission field and slay giants. In this world, we are not exempt from challenges, but they come to grow and mature us into the individuals God has ordained us to be. Teach Like a Boss is a text that offers readers a chance to renew and regain consciousness of the gifts and talents designed to empower, encourage, and transform those within their zone of influence. Having an acute awareness of contributing to something greater than yourself automatically has a positive effect on the mind, body, and soul.

Love Notes
"Love Notes" is a delightful manuscript that leads readers on a spiritual journey that is designed to evoke thoughtful reflections about what it means to develop compassion and teach with purpose. "Love Notes" was developed out of a need to create an awareness within the education community about the importance of fostering students' interest to guide them on a path to finding their purpose. Educators will be inspired to demonstrate compassion and humility towards others to help make the world a better place. Dr. Martin's message will also empower, uplift, and motivate readers to seek the highest version of themselves in an effort to gain fulfillment through meaningful work, personally and professionally. The meaningful work associated with being an educator is the critical need to instill positive beliefs and principles within children to reveal their greatness (gifts and talents) and to create a moral shift in the world for the betterment of mankind. Dr. Martin's manuscript adds value and helps educators rekindle their passion for teaching and learning while living and teaching with purpose. Want to be a part of a collective movement to raise the level of consciousness within yourself and your students? Join Dr. Martin and help spread a message of love and hope by adopting beliefs and principles that will support you in reaching your destiny while contributing to your students' purpose, character, and academic development.